Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Wash In, Wash Out. Handwash!

It is very important that are hands be washed for we use it all the time. Touch this, touch that, Get this, Get that. So the World Health Organization thought of something that would always reminds us on why we should do hand washing/ hand hygiene. After talking with WHO they conceptualized 5 guidelines on the right moments to do hand hygiene. 
These are your moments :

My 5 Moments for Hand Hygiene
  • before touching a patient,
  • before clean/aseptic procedures,
  • after body fluid exposure/risk,
  • after touching a patient, and
  • after touching patient surroundings.

The My 5 Moments for Hand Hygiene approach defines the key moments when health-care workers should perform hand hygiene.
This evidence-based, field-tested, user-centred approach is designed to be easy to learn, logical and applicable in a wide range of settings.
This approach recommends health-care workers to clean their hands

It is important to do hand washing. It is not only for our health purposes but also for others. Simply follow these steps and for sure it will help prevent/avoid transfer of microorganisms to you or to the persons around you. Follow these guidelines before or after you have done something. Always remember, Your safety is what I want! INGAT! :)

Work Cited List : http://www.who.int/gpsc/5may/background/5moments/en/

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