Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Wash In, Wash Out. Handwash!

It is very important that are hands be washed for we use it all the time. Touch this, touch that, Get this, Get that. So the World Health Organization thought of something that would always reminds us on why we should do hand washing/ hand hygiene. After talking with WHO they conceptualized 5 guidelines on the right moments to do hand hygiene. 
These are your moments :

My 5 Moments for Hand Hygiene
  • before touching a patient,
  • before clean/aseptic procedures,
  • after body fluid exposure/risk,
  • after touching a patient, and
  • after touching patient surroundings.

The My 5 Moments for Hand Hygiene approach defines the key moments when health-care workers should perform hand hygiene.
This evidence-based, field-tested, user-centred approach is designed to be easy to learn, logical and applicable in a wide range of settings.
This approach recommends health-care workers to clean their hands

It is important to do hand washing. It is not only for our health purposes but also for others. Simply follow these steps and for sure it will help prevent/avoid transfer of microorganisms to you or to the persons around you. Follow these guidelines before or after you have done something. Always remember, Your safety is what I want! INGAT! :)

Work Cited List : http://www.who.int/gpsc/5may/background/5moments/en/

"It's My Vote, Not Your Vote!"

          Purple, It is the color that can change your country...They say! But wait, have you asked yourself why register to vote? What for? It doesn't give me goosebumps or even excites me, doesn't give me that elated feeling or that feeling of being proud because I will be able to practice my right as a citizen. I didn't want to register at first because in my point of view, everything will be manipulated come the election day and thought that my vote is just counted as ONE! Now what difference is that one compared to the millions that can be bought for a sum amount of 500 pesos or more? That one can't be the determinant of choosing the rightful person for the job so why register? Why even bother in practicing this vote thing?
          Come the last day of registration, I changed my outlook and registered. I thought that my vote is only one but that vote is not just one. It is my everything. My judgement to this community I live in. My only thing I could say I contributed to pick the right person for the job. Yes it might not be a big difference when the results come out but having the opportunity to vote makes it a big thing for me because I know that I chose the one deserving, I didn't waste it for money, instead I knew that come election day, my vote is for who the one that can get the job done. So for the candidate I voted for, win or lose, I did what is right. Yes I can't decide for everyone, yes I can only decide for myself but I know that I will be voting for the leader that will help this country grow. So I waited until the 13th day of May 2013 to go and vote.

          Election 2013...My first time voting. :) It was an early rise of the sun when my dad woke me up at around 6:30 in the morning. I didn't want to wake up or get out of bed but my dad insisted because it was election day. A day wherein we'll be able to practice our right as a citizen of this country.  At first I didn't get up but he shouted so I had to, I was burning daylight anyways. At around 8 in the morning I was ready to go to my voting precinct. When I got there, A lot of people were already lined up waiting for their turn to vote. Because it was my first time, I asked the people up front on how I will be able to vote. My name wasn't there so I had to go to the classrooms assigned for voting to find my name so that I could vote. At the first classroom I went to, I came across my friend and it so happened that he was a poll watcher so he helped me. At the long queue I waited. After 2 hours in that line standing, hungry and tired came my turn to vote. I shaded candidates I think is deserving to win and after voting I went home thinking if the candidates I voted for will win. All those excitement feeling I had lasted until the voting closed. Now is the time to look forward for the results, All hopes up for the candidates I voted for. Hope that they'll win and get their jobs done for I entrusted that ONE vote I rightfully own.